While looking around my house for something new to create, I remembered I was almost out of my commercial conditioner. I was using Pantene... The big bottles you buy at Sam's (so it took a really long time to finally run out of it). I've been itching to make myself some homemade conditioner. I threw out the last little bit of that questionable stuff to give me an excuse to finally make myself some homemade goodness! I decided to make myself some regular, everyday conditioner (more of a rinse) and a deep conditioner that I plan on using once a week......
They work WONDERFULLY!!!

So, you're probably waiting for the recipes now, right? I'll make you wait no longer... Here they are!
1 cup Water
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
A couple drops of Honey
5-7 drops of your favorite essential oil
Here's an explanation of why I used the ingredients I used. Water, of course, is necessary for absolutely everything living. It's the base of everything... Or should be if it's not. Apple Cider Vinegar removes buildup in your hair as well as helps balance the ph level of your hair. Your hair has numerous cuticle scales which cover and protect the surface of each hair shaft. Rinsing with Apple Cider Vinegar helps close these scales which results in shinier, smoother hair that's easier to manage. Honey holds in water molecules so it works as a great moisturizer. Honey is sticky and many people question it's health benefits for their hair. Making your hair sticky would definitely make it hard to pass a comb or brush through your hair without damaging it, but dissolving just a couple of drops into a water/acv solution takes away the sticky and leaves the moisturizing benefits! :) Of course, I added the essential oils to make your hair smell amazing, so you use whatever your favorite is. I used lavendar!
After using the everyday conditioning rinse, I didn't even have to brush my hair! I have naturally, very straight hair anyway, so that probably helps, but just a simple run through with my fingers and letting it dry on it's own is all I needed. My hair is soft and light after using this rinse. It feels healthy. It's not weighed down or oily like it felt after using some of the other conditioners I would buy at the retailers. This recipe is definitely a keeper for my household.
Coconut Milk Deep Conditioner
1 Can Coconut Milk
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Olive Oil

This stuff is amazing! So long name brand conditioners... Hello homemade GOODNESS! My hair's never felt or looked healthier!